Agenda Items and Meeting Materials


Members of the Board

Lillian Wang, O.D., President
Jeffrey Garcia, O.D., Vice President
Eunie Linden, J.D., Secretary
Stacy Bragg, O.D.
Robert Klepa, J.D., Public Member
Joseph Pruitt, O.D..
Sandra D. Sims, J.D., Public Member
Paul Hsu, Public Member
Vacant Governor Appointee, Public Member
Vacant Governor Appointee, Professional Member
Vacant Governor Appointee, Professional Member
Gregory Pruden, Executive Officer


Friday, August 25, 2023

Time: 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or until completion of business




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Webinar number: 2493 694 3978
Webinar password: CSBO08252023

If joining by phone
+1-415-655-0001 US Toll
Access code: 249 369 44978
Passcode: 27260825

Department of Consumer Affairs
Hearing Room
1625 North Market Blvd.,
Sacramento, California 95834

The California State Board of Optometry (CSBO) will hold a public meeting via inperson and via the Webex platform.

Members of the public may, but are not obligated to, provide their names or personal information as a condition of observing or participating in the meeting. When signing into the Webex platform, participants may be asked for their name and email address. Participants who choose not to provide their names will need to provide a unique identifier such as their initials or another alternative, so that the meeting moderator can identify individuals who wish to make public comment; participants who choose not to provide their email address may utilize a fictitious email address like in the following sample format:

To avoid lack of access due to potential technical difficulties, please consider submitting written comments via email prior to the meeting:

Action may be taken on any item on the agenda.

  1. Call to Order / Roll Call and Establishment of a Quorum

  2. Public Comment for Items Not on the Agenda

    Note: The Board may not discuss or take action on any matter raised during this public comment section, except to decide whether to place the matter on the agenda of a future meeting [Government Code Sections 11125, 11125.7(a)].

  3. Discussion and Possible Approval of Meeting Minutes

    1. May 12, 2023 Board Meeting

  4. Board President’s Report

    1. Welcome New Board Members

    2. Discussion on Board Committee Membership

    3. 2023 ARBO Meeting Delegate Report from former Board Member Glenn Kawaguchi

  5. Department of Consumer Affairs Update

    1. Executive Office

    2. Budget Office

      1. Fund condition

    3. Presentation from DCA OPES re: Occupational Analysis of the Optometric Assistant Profession and Scope of Practice of Opticianry

  6. Executive Officer’s Report

    1. Program Update

    2. Enforcement Program

      1. Statistical Review, Quarter 4, Fiscal Year 2022-2023

      2. Continuing Education Audit Statistics

    3. Examination and Licensing Programs

      1. Statistical Review, Quarter 4, Fiscal Year 2022-2023

    4. Regulatory Update

      1. Mobile Optometric Office

      2. Continuing Education

      3. Implementation of AB 458

      4. Optometry Disciplinary Guidelines

      5. Optician Program Omnibus Regulatory Changes

      6. Dispensing Optician Disciplinary Guidelines

      7. Requirements for Glaucoma Certification

        vii. Fees

  7. Discussion and Possible Action on Legislation

    1. AB 1028 (McKinnor) Reporting of crimes: mandated reporters

    2. AB 1570 (Low) Optometry: certification to perform advanced procedures

    3. AB 1707 (Pacheco) Health professionals and facilities: adverse actions based on another state’s law

    4. SB 340 (Eggman) Medi-Cal: eyeglasses: Prison Industry Authority

    5. SB 457 (Menjivar) Vision care: consent by a minor

    6. SB 544 (Laird) Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act: teleconferencing

  8. Consideration and Possible Action on Legislative Proposal to Encourage Optometrist Licensees to take Continuing Education in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging.

  9. Future Agenda Items

  10. Pursuant to Government Code §11126(c)(3), the Board Will Meet in Closed Session for Discussion and Deliberation on Disciplinary Matters


The mission of the California State Board of Optometry is to protect the health and safety of California consumers through licensing, registration, education, and regulation of the practice of Optometry and Opticianry.

Action may be taken on any item on the agenda. Items may be taken out of order for any reason including to accommodate speakers, for convenience, or to maintain a quorum. Meetings of the California State Board of Optometry and its committees are open to the public except when specifically noticed otherwise in accordance with the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act. Public comments will generally be taken on agenda items at the time the specific item is raised. Please respect time limits, which the Board President may request on an as-needed basis to accommodate all interested speakers and the full agenda.

The meeting is accessible to persons with disabilities. To request disability-related accommodations, use the contact information below. Please submit your request at least five (5) business days before the meeting to help ensure the availability of the accommodation.

Contact Person: Erica Bautista
2450 Del Paso Road, Suite 105
Sacramento, CA 95834