Meeting Agenda
Cyd Brandvein, President
David Turetsky, OD, Vice President
Rachel Michelin, Secretary
Madhu Chawla, OD
Martha Garcia, CLD, SLD
Glenn Kawaguchi, OD
Debra McIntyre, OD
Mark Morodomi, JD
Maria Salazar Sperber, JD
Lillian Wang, OD
Madhu Chawla, OD, Chair
Martha Garcia, CLD, SLD
Debra McIntyre, OD
Mark Morodomi, JD
August 30, 2018
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
(or until conclusion of business)
Tang Health Center
University Health Services
2222 Bancroft Ave., 3rd Floor
Berkeley, CA 947206
Kaiser Permanente
Department of Optometry
5601 De Soto Avenue, Rm 1761
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
California Eye Professionals
41637 Margarita Rd., Suite 100
Temecula, CA. 92591
Department of Consumer Affairs
2450 Del Paso Road, Suite 105
Sacramento, CA 95834
(Additional Public Participation Site)
Charter College - Oxnard Campus
2000 Outlet Center Drive, #150
Oxnard, CA 93036
- Call to Order/Roll Call
- Public Comment for Items Not on the Agenda
- Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Meeting Minutes:
- A. June 29, 2018
- Discussion and Possible Action on Continuing Education Course Approval Requests Pursuant to Title 16, California Code of Regulations § 1536
A. 1. Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus
2. Vitreous and Retinal Detachments
3. Pterygium
B. Eyelid Tumors
C. Newest Advances in Ocular Surgery – Live Microinvasive Glaucoma Surgery
D. Diabetic Retinopathy
E. 1. The Hidden Reality of Posterior Segment Disease in a Healthy Patient Practice
2. Widefield and OCT in the Optometric Practice
F. Retina Update 2018
G. 1. Ocularfest – Anaheim – Central Serous Retinopathy
2. Ocularfest – Anaheim – Is It Glaucoma?
3. Ocularfest – Anaheim – The Essentials of Visual Fields and Optic Nerve Imaging
4. Ocularfest – Anaheim – Correction of Eye Bags
5. Ocularfest – Anaheim – Neuro-Ophthalmology, Oculoplastics, Adult Strabismus
6. Ocularfest – Anaheim – Intense Pulsed Light for Dry Eye Disease
7. Ocularfest – Anaheim – Retinal Surgery Update
8. Ocularfest – Anaheim – Ocular Nutrition: Diagnosis, Management and Treatment of AMD with Nutritional Supplements
9. Ocularfest – Anaheim – Advanced Cataract Surgery
H. Cataract Surgery in Resource
I. Complicated Cataract Cases; VKH; Coats Disease; Toxoplasmosis; Current Treatment Modalities of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction & Ocular Surface Disease
J. 1. Ocularfest – San Diego: Adult Strabismus: A Brief Overview
2. Ocularfest – San Diego: OCT Interpretation of Retinal Diseases
3. Ocularfest – San Diego: Diabetic Retinopathy
4. Ocularfest – San Diego: Microbial Keratitis
5. Ocularfest – San Diego: A Modified Technique to Suture PCIOL
6. Ocularfest – San Diego: Medical Glaucoma Management
7. Ocularfest – San Diego: Meibomian Gland Function
8. Ocularfest – San Diego: Landmark Studies in Glaucoma
K. 1. Lens Surgery is the New LASIK
2. Strategies for the Happy Cataract Patient
3. Glaucoma Grand Rounds: Case Presentations
4. Sports Related Eye Injuries
5. What's Wrong With the Eyelids
L. 1. Macular Holes and Hemorrhages
2. Pearls of Cataract Surgery Co-Management
3. IOL Materials
M. 1. Crosslinking
2. Treatments of Diabetic Retinopathy
N. 1. Lens Surgery is the New Lasik
2. Refractive Surgery & Crosslinking: Synergistic Options
O. PRN Advances in Dry Eye Treatment
P. 1. Case Presentations: Corneal Crosslinking and Refractive Surgery
2. On Your Last Nerve: Freeing Headache Patients from the Strain of Trigeminal Dysphoria
3. Advances in Glaucoma New Drugs and Imaging
4. Lifestyle Issues in Glaucoma Therapy and Roles of MIGS
5. Ocular Trauma
6. Sports Related Eye Injuries in Children
7. The Best Vision for My Happy Cataract Patient
8. Happy Presbyopic Patients – Latest Technology: Pre-Op Patient Selection Meets Post-Op Patient Expectations
9. What’s Wrong With These Eyelids - Adjournment
The mission of the California State Board of Optometry s to protect the health and safety of California consumers through licensing, education, and regulation of the practice of Optometry.
Meetings of the California State Board of Optometry and its committees are open to the public except when specifically noticed otherwise in accordance with the Open Meeting Act. Public comments will be taken on agenda items at the time the specific item is raised. Time limitations will be determined by the Chairperson. The Committee may take action on any item listed on the agenda, unless listed as informational only. Agenda items may be taken out of order to accommodate speakers and to maintain a quorum. Members of the Board who are not members of this committee may be attending the meeting only as observers.
NOTICE: The meeting is accessible to the physically disabled. A person who needs a disability-related accommodation or modification in order to participate in the meeting may make a request by contacting Rob Stephanopoulos at (916) 575-7185 or sending a written request to that person at the California State Board of Optometry, 2450 Del Paso Road, Suite 105, Sacramento, CA 95834. Providing your request at least five (5) business days before the meeting will help ensure availability of the requested accommodation.